Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The inexplicable behaviour of TV programmers

Check out the editorial in the latest Write Up magazine - it's all about TVNZ's ridiculous decision to "pause" the undercover cop drama Orange Roughies and "reschedule it later".

That kind of behaviour just puzzles me. If not many people are watching a show, how will rescheduling it help? If they're infrequent TV viewers like me, they'll expect to tune in the same time next week, only to find a different show on. What then? How are we to find out where the powers that be have rescheduled it to?

It just doesn't make good sense.

Thankfully, TVNZ is listening and thinking about the future of broadcast, where timeslots won't really matter that much. Already their website has lots of video on demand, but no RSS feeds. It's a puzzle. Apparently I can also watch different TV feeds on my 3G capable phone, but I haven't had the time, inclination or multiple dollars to try it.


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